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Our Activities

Our Activities: Welcome

Our Activities

Having problem-solving skills is always being one of the major concerns of Munsang College. We, Ignite are going to hold a trainee scheme so as to nurturing student leaders, an integrity leader could lead our school towards better development. For example, students can serve as a helper to observe how Student Association is operating to stimulate their interests in order to raise up their leadership skills.

螢幕截圖 2020-08-28 下午4.33.20.png

1. Annual General Meeting

螢幕截圖 2020-08-29 上午11.13.32.png

2. Dodgeball Competition

螢幕截圖 2020-08-28 下午11.35.32.png

3. Leadership camp

Our Activities: Activities
螢幕截圖 2020-08-29 上午11.14.07.png

4. Joint School Christmas Ball

螢幕截圖 2020-08-29 上午11.14.22.png

5. Joint School Running Man

螢幕截圖 2020-08-29 上午10.33.25.png

6. Singing Contest (heat)

Our Activities: Activities
螢幕截圖 2020-08-27 下午8.46.20.png

7. 3 on 3 basketball Tournament


8. Best Teacher Election

螢幕截圖 2020-08-29 上午10.33.25.png

9. Singing Contest (Final)

Our Activities: Activities
Running Shoes

10. Joint School Charity Work

Women Voting

11. Opinion Board

Checking Text on a Document

12. Apprenticeship Programme

Our Activities: Activities
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